
AHT( Total Session Duration - 45 Minutes)


Followed Action Plan given by the Mentor

Appropriate resources used when initial plan failed

Mentee checked back with Mentor for further Action Plan(Verified through Bomgar Chat)
Mentee used appropriate KB article(Internal/Vendor site) after informing the Mentor through Bomgar chat

Used appropriate language while communicating with the customer

Responses to customer's questions and comments were appropriate
Was able to change word choice to suit customers needs
Used proper grammar or spelling while communicating with the customers(Spelling/Grammar mistakes did not hamper customer's understanding )

Give timely response to the customers queries

Promptly answered customers questions
Acknowledged all the comments from customer

Appropriate case documentation

Issue was documented in detail
Troubleshooting Steps Documented in Action Result Format
Information about software & hardware relevant to the issue updated in device info
Disclaimers given during the call documented at relevant point of case documentation
Did not miss to document any troubleshooting step
Only the steps performed were documented
Action Plan given to customer documented in Case Notes(if Any)
Case was disposed appropriately

Appropriate education provided

Agent Educated the customer about the reasons of the trouble shooting steps being performed on the computer
No inaccurate information was provided to the customer

Appropriate Call Closing

Reverted all the settings (which were changed for diagnosis of the issue) back to normal
Summarized the call(discussed Issue, Cause and Resolution/Detailed Action Plan(unresolved issue)
Used the prescribed call closing(including thanking the customer for calling iYogi and "Good Karma")

Pitched for renewal/Add-on(when customer was satisfied)

Pitched for Renewal (When the subscription was about to expire within 90 days)
Pitched for Upgrade(When the subscription was not getting expired within 90 days)
Pitched for Add-on on all the calls

Appropriate e-mail was sent

Issue was appropriately documented
Summary contained the case and resolution/action plan (unresolved cases)
No Spelling Mistakes
No Grammatical Mistakes

Zero tolerance                                                    

Showed professionalism throughout call

Did not make any Disparaging remarks against Iyogi or its competitors or their products
Agent was rude to the customer at any given time during call

Provided appropriate disclaimers

Before making any change in the registry
Optimizing Internet Explorer
Before Performing a System Restore

Took precautionary measures

Took Registry backup before making changes in the registry
Created system restore point before running any anti-spyware/anti-virus
Created system restore point before using any unauthorized tool(prior for the tool usage to be taken)

Did not try to avoid a call/session

Logged the case (case was not left Blank)

Only Authorized tools were used for troubleshooting ..

Call back was attempted when the call/session got disconnected

No Indian/Regional Language was used on the call

Escalation was followed

Documented permission for escalation was taken
Alternate Phone No. was taken
Appropriate Time Frame/ Time Zone was taken

Followed iYogi's Privacy Policy

Mentee did not ask customer to put specific password of his(mentee's)choice anywhere during the call/remote
Mentee did not try to preview customers personal files/folder of important documents(not related to troubleshooting)

Support Dock                                                                         

Installed Support Dock(Zero Tolerance)

Installed Live Help
Installed Push To Talk
Installed Optimize
Installed Homenet Manger
Installed Green PC
Registered and Installed Carbonite

Educated the customer about all the SD component appropriately

My iYogi
Live Help
Push To Talk
Homenet Manager
Green PC